Blending/Overlaying images


Most augmenters in the library affect images in uniform ways per image. Sometimes one might not want that and instead desires more localized effects (e.g. change the color of some image regions, while keeping the others unchanged) or wants to keep a fraction of the old image (e.g. blur the image and mix in a bit of the unblurred image). Alpha-based augmenters are intended for these use cases. They either mix two images using a constant alpha factor or using a pixel-wise mask. Below image shows examples.

# First row
    (0.0, 1.0),

# Second row

# Third row
    second=iaa.ContrastNormalization((0.5, 2.0)),

# Forth row
        rotate=(-10, 10),
        translate_px={"x": (-4, 4), "y": (-4, 4)}
    second=iaa.AddToHueAndSaturation((-40, 40)),

# Fifth row
        second=iaa.ContrastNormalization((0.5, 2.0)),
        exponent=(-2.5, -1.0),
            rotate=(-10, 10),
            translate_px={"x": (-4, 4), "y": (-4, 4)}
        second=iaa.AddToHueAndSaturation((-40, 40)),
Introduction example

Various effects of combining alpha-augmenters with other augmenters. First row shows Alpha with MedianBlur, second SimplexNoiseAlpha with EdgeDetect, third SimplexNoiseAlpha with EdgeDetect and ContrastNormalization, third shows FrequencyNoiseAlpha with Affine and AddToHueAndSaturation and forth row shows a mixture SimplexNoiseAlpha and FrequencyNoiseAlpha.

Constant Alpha

The augmenter Alpha allows to mix the results of two image sources using an alpha factor that is constant throughout the whole image, i.e. it follows roughly I_blend = alpha * I_a + (1 - alpha) * I_b per image, where I_a is the image from the first image source and I_b is the image from the second image source. Often, the first source will be an augmented version of the image and the second source will be the original image, leading to a blend of augmented and unaugmented image. The second image source can also be an augmented version of the image, leading to a blend of two distinct augmentation effects. Alpha is already built into some augmenters as a parameter, e.g. into EdgeDetect.

The below example code generates images that are a blend between Sharpen and CoarseDropout. Notice how the sharpening does not affect the black rectangles from dropout, as the two augmenters are both applied to the original images and merely blended.

import imgaug as ia
from imgaug import augmenters as iaa


# Example batch of images.
# The array has shape (8, 128, 128, 3) and dtype uint8.
images = np.array(
    [ia.quokka(size=(128, 128)) for _ in range(8)],

seq = iaa.Alpha(
    factor=(0.2, 0.8),
    first=iaa.Sharpen(1.0, lightness=2),
    second=iaa.CoarseDropout(p=0.1, size_px=8)

images_aug = seq.augment_images(images)
Basic example for Alpha

Mixing Sharpen and CoarseDropout via Alpha - not the same as executing them one after the other.

Similar to other augmenters, Alpha supports a per_channel mode, in which it samples overlay strengths for each channel independently. As a result, some channels may show more from the first (or second) image source than other channels. This can lead to visible color effects. The following example is the same as the one above, only per_channel was activated.

iaa.Alpha(..., per_channel=True)
Basic example for Alpha with per_channel=True

Mixing Sharpen and CoarseDropout via Alpha and per_channel set to True.

Alpha can also be used with augmenters that change the position of pixels, leading to “ghost” images. (This should not be done when also augmenting keypoints, as their position becomes unclear.)

seq = iaa.Alpha(
    factor=(0.2, 0.8),
    first=iaa.Affine(rotate=(-20, 20)),
Basic example for Alpha with Affine and per_channel=True

Mixing original images with their rotated version. Some channels are more visibly rotated than others.


Alpha uses a constant blending factor per image (or per channel). This limits the possibilities. Often a more localized factor is desired to create unusual patterns. SimplexNoiseAlpha is an augmenter that does that. It generates continuous masks following simplex noise and uses them to perform local blending. The following example shows a combination of SimplexNoiseAlpha and Multiply (with per_channel=True) that creates blobs of various colors in the image.

import imgaug as ia
from imgaug import augmenters as iaa


# Example batch of images.
# The array has shape (8, 128, 128, 3) and dtype uint8.
images = np.array(
    [ia.quokka(size=(128, 128)) for _ in range(8)],

seq = iaa.SimplexNoiseAlpha(
    first=iaa.Multiply(iap.Choice([0.5, 1.5]), per_channel=True)

images_aug = seq.augment_images(images)
Basic example for SimplexNoiseAlpha

Mixing original images with their versions modified by Multiply (with per_channel set to True). Simplex noise masks are used for the blending process, leading to blobby patterns.

SimplexNoiseAlpha also supports per_channel=True, leading to unique noise masks sampled per channel. The following example shows the combination of SimplexNoiseAlpha (with per_channel=True) and EdgeDetect. Even though EdgeDetect usually generates black and white images (white=edges, black=everything else), here the combination leads to strong color effects as the channel-wise noise masks only blend EdgeDetect’s result for some channels.

seq = iaa.SimplexNoiseAlpha(
Basic example for SimplexNoiseAlpha with per_channel=True

Blending images via simplex noise can lead to unexpected but diverse patterns when per_channel is set to True. Here, a mixture of original images with EdgeDetect(1.0) is used.

SimplexNoiseAlpha uses continuous noise masks (2d arrays with values in the range [0.0, 1.0]) to blend images. The below image shows examples of 64x64 noise masks generated by SimplexNoiseAlpha with default settings. Values close to 1.0 (white) indicate that pixel colors will be taken from the first image source, while 0.0 (black) values indicate that pixel colors will be taken from the second image source. (Often only one image source will be given in the form of augmenters and the second will fall back to the original images fed into SimplexNoiseAlpha.)

Examples of noise masks generated by SimplexNoiseAlpha

Examples of noise masks generated by SimplexNoiseAlpha using default settings.

SimplexNoiseAlpha generates its noise masks in low resolution images and then upscales the masks to the size of the input images. During upscaling it usually uses nearest neighbour interpolation (nearest), linear interpolation (linear) or cubic interpolation (cubic). Nearest neighbour interpolation leads to noise maps with rectangular blobs. The below example shows noise maps generated when only using nearest neighbour interpolation.

seq = iaa.SimplexNoiseAlpha(
Examples of noise masks generated by SimplexNoiseAlpha with upscaling method nearest

Examples of noise masks generated by SimplexNoiseAlpha when restricting the upscaling method to nearest.

Similarly, the following example shows noise maps generated when only using linear interpolation.

seq = iaa.SimplexNoiseAlpha(
Examples of noise masks generated by SimplexNoiseAlpha with upscaling method linear

Examples of noise masks generated by SimplexNoiseAlpha when restricting the upscaling method to linear.


FrequencyNoiseAlpha is mostly identical to SimplexNoiseAlpha. In contrast to SimplexNoiseAlpha it uses a different sampling process to generate the noise maps. The process is based on starting with random frequencies, weighting them with a random exponent and then transforming from frequency domain to spatial domain. When using a low exponent value this leads to large, smooth blobs. Slightly higher exponents lead to cloudy patterns. High exponent values lead to recurring, small patterns. The below example shows the usage of FrequencyNoiseAlpha.

import imgaug as ia
from imgaug import augmenters as iaa
from imgaug import parameters as iap


# Example batch of images.
# The array has shape (8, 64, 64, 3) and dtype uint8.
images = np.array(
    [ia.quokka(size=(128, 128)) for _ in range(8)],

seq = iaa.FrequencyNoiseAlpha(
    first=iaa.Multiply(iap.Choice([0.5, 1.5]), per_channel=True)

images_aug = seq.augment_images(images)
Basic example for FrequencyNoiseAlpha

Mixing original images with their versions modified by Multiply (with per_channel set to True). Simplex noise masks are used for the blending process, leading to blobby patterns.

Similarly to simplex noise, FrequencyNoiseAlpha also supports per_channel=True, leading to different noise maps per image channel.

seq = iaa.FrequencyNoiseAlpha(
Basic example for FrequencyNoiseAlpha with per_channel=True

Blending images via frequency noise can lead to unexpected but diverse patterns when per_channel is set to True. Here, a mixture of original images with EdgeDetect(1.0) is used.

The below image shows random example noise masks generated by FrequencyNoiseAlpha with default settings.

Examples of noise masks generated by FrequencyNoiseAlpha

Examples of noise masks generated by FrequencyNoiseAlpha using default settings.

The following image shows the effects of varying exponent between -4.0 and 4.0. To show these effects more clearly, a few features of FrequencyNoiseAlpha were deactivated (e.g. multiple iterations). In the code, E is the value of the exponent (e.g. E=-2.0).

seq = iaa.FrequencyNoiseAlpha(
    first=iaa.Multiply(iap.Choice([0.5, 1.5]), per_channel=True),
Examples of noise masks generated by FrequencyNoiseAlpha under varying exponents

Examples of noise masks generated by FrequencyNoiseAlpha using default settings with varying exponents.

Similarly to SimplexNoiseAlpha, FrequencyNoiseAlpha also generates the noise masks as low resolution versions and then upscales them to the full image size. The following images show the usage of nearest neighbour interpolation (upscale_method=”nearest”) and linear interpolation (upscale_method=”linear”).

Examples of noise masks generated by FrequencyNoiseAlpha with upscaling method nearest

Examples of noise masks generated by FrequencyNoiseAlpha when restricting the upscaling method to nearest.

Examples of noise masks generated by FrequencyNoiseAlpha with upscaling method linear

Examples of noise masks generated by FrequencyNoiseAlpha when restricting the upscaling method to linear.


Both SimplexNoiseAlpha and FrequencyNoiseAlpha wrap around IterativeNoiseAggregator, a component to generate noise masks in multiple iterations. It has parameters for the number of iterations (1 to N) and for the aggregation methods, which controls how the noise masks from the different iterations are to be combined. Valid aggregation methods are “min”, “avg” and “max”, where min takes the minimum over all iteration’s masks, max the maxmimum and avg the average. As a result, masks generated with method min tend to be close to 0.0 (mostly black values), those generated with max close to 1.0 and avg converges towards 0.5. (0.0 means that the results of the second image dominate the final image, so in many cases the original images before the augmenter). The following image shows the effects of changing the number of iterations when combining FrequencyNoise with IterativeNoiseAggregator.

# This is how the iterations would be changed for FrequencyNoiseAlpha.
# (Same for `SimplexNoiseAlpha`.)
seq = iaa.FrequencyNoiseAlpha(
Examples of varying the number of iterations in IterativeNoiseAggregator

Examples of varying the number of iterations in IterativeNoiseAggregator (here in combination with FrequencyNoise).

The following image shows the effects of changing the aggregation mode (with varying iterations).

# This is how the iterations and aggregation method would be changed for
# FrequencyNoiseAlpha. (Same for `SimplexNoiseAlpha`.)
seq = iaa.FrequencyNoiseAlpha(
Examples of varying the methods and iterations in IterativeNoiseAggregator

Examples of varying the methods and iterations in IterativeNoiseAggregator (here in combination with FrequencyNoise).


Generated noise masks can often end up having many values around 0.5, especially when running IterativeNoiseAggregator with many iterations and aggregation method avg. This can be undesired. Sigmoid is a method to compensate that. It applies a sigmoid function to the noise masks, forcing the values to mostly lie close to 0.0 or 1.0 and only rarely in between. This can lead to blobs of values close to 1.0 (“use only colors from images coming from source A”), surrounded by blobs with values close to 0.0 (“use only colors from images coming from source B”). This is similar to taking either from one image source (per pixel) or the other, but usually not both. Sigmoid is integrated into both SimplexNoiseAlpha and FrequencyNoiseAlpha. It can be dynamically activated/deactivated and has a threshold parameter that controls how aggressive and pushes the noise values towards 1.0.

# This is how the Sigmoid would be activated/deactivated for
# FrequencyNoiseAlpha (same for SimplexNoiseAlpha). P is the probability
# of the Sigmoid being activated (can be True/False), T is the
# threshold (sane values are usually around -10 to +10, can be a
# tuple, e.g. sigmoid_thresh=(-10, 10), to indicate a uniform range).
seq = iaa.FrequencyNoiseAlpha(

The below image shows the effects of applying Sigmoid to noise masks generated by FrequencyNoise.

Examples of noise maps without and with activated Sigmoid

Examples of noise maps without and with activated Sigmoid (noise maps here from FrequencyNoise).

The below image shows the effects of varying the sigmoid’s threshold. Lower values place the threshold further to the “left” (lower x values), leading to more x-values being above the threshold values, leading to more 1.0s in the noise masks.

Examples of varying the Sigmoid threshold

Examples of varying the Sigmoid threshold from -10.0 to 10.0.