
The library uses python, which must be installed. Python 2.7, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6 and 3.7 are supported.

The below sections explain how to install the library in anaconda or via pip. If you don’t know what anaconda (or conda) are, simply use pip instead as that should always work.

Installation in Anaconda

To install in anaconda simply perform the following commands

conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda install imgaug

Note that you may also use the pip-based installation commands described below. They work with and without anaconda.

Installation in pip

Install Requirements

To install all requirements, use

pip install six numpy scipy Pillow matplotlib scikit-image opencv-python imageio Shapely

Note that if you already have OpenCV, you might not need opencv-python. If you get any “permission denied” errors, try adding sudo in front of the command. If your encounter issues installing Shapely you can skip that library. It is only imported when actually needed. At least polygon and line string augmentation will likely crash without it.

Install Library

Once the required packages are available, imgaug can be installed using the following command:

pip install imgaug

This installs the latest version from pypi, which often lags behind the latest version on github by a few months. To instead get the very latest version use

pip install git+

Installation from Source

In rare cases, one might prefer to install directly from source. This is possible using

git clone && cd imgaug && python install

Note that this is effectively identical to using pip install <github link>.


To deinstall the library use

conda remove imgaug

on anaconda and

pip uninstall imgaug
