
class imgaug.augmentables.bbs.BoundingBox(x1, y1, x2, y2, label=None)[source]

Bases: object

Class representing bounding boxes.

Each bounding box is parameterized by its top left and bottom right corners. Both are given as x and y-coordinates. The corners are intended to lie inside the bounding box area. As a result, a bounding box that lies completely inside the image but has maximum extensions would have coordinates (0.0, 0.0) and (W - epsilon, H - epsilon). Note that coordinates are saved internally as floats.

  • x1 (number) – X-coordinate of the top left of the bounding box.
  • y1 (number) – Y-coordinate of the top left of the bounding box.
  • x2 (number) – X-coordinate of the bottom right of the bounding box.
  • y2 (number) – Y-coordinate of the bottom right of the bounding box.
  • label (None or str, optional) – Label of the bounding box, e.g. a string representing the class.

Estimate the area of the bounding box.


Estimate the x-coordinate of the center point of the bounding box.


Estimate the y-coordinate of the center point of the bounding box.


Estimate the height of the bounding box.


Estimate the width of the bounding box.


Get the x-coordinate of the top left corner as an integer.


Get the x-coordinate of the bottom left corner as an integer.


Get the y-coordinate of the top left corner as an integer.


Get the y-coordinate of the bottom left corner as an integer.


clip_out_of_image(self, image) Clip off all parts of the BB box that are outside of the image.
contains(self, other) Estimate whether the bounding box contains a given point.
copy(self[, x1, y1, x2, y2, label]) Create a shallow copy of this BoundingBox instance.
cut_out_of_image(self, \*args, \*\*kwargs) Deprecated.
deepcopy(self[, x1, y1, x2, y2, label]) Create a deep copy of the BoundingBox object.
draw_on_image(self, image[, color, alpha, …]) Draw the bounding box on an image.
extend(self[, all_sides, top, right, …]) Extend the size of the bounding box along its sides.
extract_from_image(self, image[, pad, …]) Extract the image pixels within the bounding box.
intersection(self, other[, default]) Compute the intersection BB between this BB and another BB.
iou(self, other) Compute the IoU between this bounding box and another one.
is_fully_within_image(self, image) Estimate whether the bounding box is fully inside the image area.
is_out_of_image(self, image[, fully, partly]) Estimate whether the BB is partially/fully outside of the image area.
is_partly_within_image(self, image) Estimate whether the BB is at least partially inside the image area.
project(self, from_shape, to_shape) Project the bounding box onto a differently shaped image.
shift(self[, top, right, bottom, left]) Move this bounding box along the x/y-axis.
to_keypoints(self) Convert the BB’s corners to keypoints (clockwise, from top left).
union(self, other) Compute the union BB between this BB and another BB.

Estimate the area of the bounding box.

Returns:Area of the bounding box, i.e. height * width.
Return type:number

Estimate the x-coordinate of the center point of the bounding box.

Returns:X-coordinate of the center point of the bounding box.
Return type:number

Estimate the y-coordinate of the center point of the bounding box.

Returns:Y-coordinate of the center point of the bounding box.
Return type:number
clip_out_of_image(self, image)[source]

Clip off all parts of the BB box that are outside of the image.

Parameters:image ((H,W,…) ndarray or tuple of int) – Image dimensions to use for the clipping of the bounding box. If an ndarray, its shape will be used. If a tuple, it is assumed to represent the image shape and must contain at least two integers.
Returns:Bounding box, clipped to fall within the image dimensions.
Return type:imgaug.augmentables.bbs.BoundingBox
contains(self, other)[source]

Estimate whether the bounding box contains a given point.

Parameters:other (tuple of number or imgaug.augmentables.kps.Keypoint) – Point to check for.
Returns:True if the point is contained in the bounding box, False otherwise.
Return type:bool
copy(self, x1=None, y1=None, x2=None, y2=None, label=None)[source]

Create a shallow copy of this BoundingBox instance.

  • x1 (None or number) – If not None, then the x1 coordinate of the copied object will be set to this value.
  • y1 (None or number) – If not None, then the y1 coordinate of the copied object will be set to this value.
  • x2 (None or number) – If not None, then the x2 coordinate of the copied object will be set to this value.
  • y2 (None or number) – If not None, then the y2 coordinate of the copied object will be set to this value.
  • label (None or string) – If not None, then the label of the copied object will be set to this value.

Shallow copy.

Return type:


cut_out_of_image(self, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Deprecated. Use BoundingBox.clip_out_of_image() instead. clip_out_of_image() has the exactly same interface.

deepcopy(self, x1=None, y1=None, x2=None, y2=None, label=None)[source]

Create a deep copy of the BoundingBox object.

  • x1 (None or number) – If not None, then the x1 coordinate of the copied object will be set to this value.
  • y1 (None or number) – If not None, then the y1 coordinate of the copied object will be set to this value.
  • x2 (None or number) – If not None, then the x2 coordinate of the copied object will be set to this value.
  • y2 (None or number) – If not None, then the y2 coordinate of the copied object will be set to this value.
  • label (None or string) – If not None, then the label of the copied object will be set to this value.

Deep copy.

Return type:


draw_on_image(self, image, color=(0, 255, 0), alpha=1.0, size=1, copy=True, raise_if_out_of_image=False, thickness=None)[source]

Draw the bounding box on an image.

  • image ((H,W,C) ndarray) – The image onto which to draw the bounding box. Currently expected to be uint8.
  • color (iterable of int, optional) – The color to use, corresponding to the channel layout of the image. Usually RGB.
  • alpha (float, optional) – The transparency of the drawn bounding box, where 1.0 denotes no transparency and 0.0 is invisible.
  • size (int, optional) – The thickness of the bounding box in pixels. If the value is larger than 1, then additional pixels will be added around the bounding box (i.e. extension towards the outside).
  • copy (bool, optional) – Whether to copy the input image or change it in-place.
  • raise_if_out_of_image (bool, optional) – Whether to raise an error if the bounding box is fully outside of the image. If set to False, no error will be raised and only the parts inside the image will be drawn.
  • thickness (None or int, optional) – Deprecated.

Image with bounding box drawn on it.

Return type:

(H,W,C) ndarray(uint8)

extend(self, all_sides=0, top=0, right=0, bottom=0, left=0)[source]

Extend the size of the bounding box along its sides.

  • all_sides (number, optional) – Value by which to extend the bounding box size along all sides.
  • top (number, optional) – Value by which to extend the bounding box size along its top side.
  • right (number, optional) – Value by which to extend the bounding box size along its right side.
  • bottom (number, optional) – Value by which to extend the bounding box size along its bottom side.
  • left (number, optional) – Value by which to extend the bounding box size along its left side.

Extended bounding box.

Return type:


extract_from_image(self, image, pad=True, pad_max=None, prevent_zero_size=True)[source]

Extract the image pixels within the bounding box.

This function will zero-pad the image if the bounding box is partially/fully outside of the image.

  • image ((H,W) ndarray or (H,W,C) ndarray) – The image from which to extract the pixels within the bounding box.
  • pad (bool, optional) – Whether to zero-pad the image if the object is partially/fully outside of it.
  • pad_max (None or int, optional) – The maximum number of pixels that may be zero-paded on any side, i.e. if this has value N the total maximum of added pixels is 4*N. This option exists to prevent extremely large images as a result of single points being moved very far away during augmentation.
  • prevent_zero_size (bool, optional) – Whether to prevent the height or width of the extracted image from becoming zero. If this is set to True and the height or width of the bounding box is below 1, the height/width will be increased to 1. This can be useful to prevent problems, e.g. with image saving or plotting. If it is set to False, images will be returned as (H', W') or (H', W', 3) with H or W potentially being 0.

Pixels within the bounding box. Zero-padded if the bounding box is partially/fully outside of the image. If prevent_zero_size is activated, it is guarantueed that H'>0 and W'>0, otherwise only H'>=0 and W'>=0.

Return type:

(H’,W’) ndarray or (H’,W’,C) ndarray


Estimate the height of the bounding box.

Returns:Height of the bounding box.
Return type:number
intersection(self, other, default=None)[source]

Compute the intersection BB between this BB and another BB.

Note that in extreme cases, the intersection can be a single point. In that case the intersection bounding box exists and it will be returned, but it will have a height and width of zero.

  • other (imgaug.augmentables.bbs.BoundingBox) – Other bounding box with which to generate the intersection.
  • default (any, optional) – Default value to return if there is no intersection.

Intersection bounding box of the two bounding boxes if there is an intersection. If there is no intersection, the default value will be returned, which can by anything.

Return type:

imgaug.augmentables.bbs.BoundingBox or any

iou(self, other)[source]

Compute the IoU between this bounding box and another one.

IoU is the intersection over union, defined as:

``area(intersection(A, B)) / area(union(A, B))``
``= area(intersection(A, B))
    / (area(A) + area(B) - area(intersection(A, B)))``
Parameters:other (imgaug.augmentables.bbs.BoundingBox) – Other bounding box with which to compare.
Returns:IoU between the two bounding boxes.
Return type:float
is_fully_within_image(self, image)[source]

Estimate whether the bounding box is fully inside the image area.

Parameters:image ((H,W,…) ndarray or tuple of int) – Image dimensions to use. If an ndarray, its shape will be used. If a tuple, it is assumed to represent the image shape and must contain at least two integers.
Returns:True if the bounding box is fully inside the image area. False otherwise.
Return type:bool
is_out_of_image(self, image, fully=True, partly=False)[source]

Estimate whether the BB is partially/fully outside of the image area.

  • image ((H,W,…) ndarray or tuple of int) – Image dimensions to use. If an ndarray, its shape will be used. If a tuple, it is assumed to represent the image shape and must contain at least two integers.
  • fully (bool, optional) – Whether to return True if the bounding box is fully outside of the image area.
  • partly (bool, optional) – Whether to return True if the bounding box is at least partially outside fo the image area.

True if the bounding box is partially/fully outside of the image area, depending on defined parameters. False otherwise.

Return type:


is_partly_within_image(self, image)[source]

Estimate whether the BB is at least partially inside the image area.

Parameters:image ((H,W,…) ndarray or tuple of int) – Image dimensions to use. If an ndarray, its shape will be used. If a tuple, it is assumed to represent the image shape and must contain at least two integers.
Returns:True if the bounding box is at least partially inside the image area. False otherwise.
Return type:bool
project(self, from_shape, to_shape)[source]

Project the bounding box onto a differently shaped image.

E.g. if the bounding box is on its original image at x1=(10 of 100 pixels) and y1=(20 of 100 pixels) and is projected onto a new image with size (width=200, height=200), its new position will be (x1=20, y1=40). (Analogous for x2/y2.)

This is intended for cases where the original image is resized. It cannot be used for more complex changes (e.g. padding, cropping).

  • from_shape (tuple of int or ndarray) – Shape of the original image. (Before resize.)
  • to_shape (tuple of int or ndarray) – Shape of the new image. (After resize.)

BoundingBox instance with new coordinates.

Return type:


shift(self, top=None, right=None, bottom=None, left=None)[source]

Move this bounding box along the x/y-axis.

  • top (None or int, optional) – Amount of pixels by which to shift this object from the top (towards the bottom).
  • right (None or int, optional) – Amount of pixels by which to shift this object from the right (towards the left).
  • bottom (None or int, optional) – Amount of pixels by which to shift this object from the bottom (towards the top).
  • left (None or int, optional) – Amount of pixels by which to shift this object from the left (towards the right).

Shifted bounding box.

Return type:



Convert the BB’s corners to keypoints (clockwise, from top left).

Returns:Corners of the bounding box as keypoints.
Return type:list of imgaug.augmentables.kps.Keypoint
union(self, other)[source]

Compute the union BB between this BB and another BB.

This is equivalent to drawing a bounding box around all corner points of both bounding boxes.

Parameters:other (imgaug.augmentables.bbs.BoundingBox) – Other bounding box with which to generate the union.
Returns:Union bounding box of the two bounding boxes.
Return type:imgaug.augmentables.bbs.BoundingBox

Estimate the width of the bounding box.

Returns:Width of the bounding box.
Return type:number

Get the x-coordinate of the top left corner as an integer.

Returns:X-coordinate of the top left corner, rounded to the closest integer.
Return type:int

Get the x-coordinate of the bottom left corner as an integer.

Returns:X-coordinate of the bottom left corner, rounded to the closest integer.
Return type:int

Get the y-coordinate of the top left corner as an integer.

Returns:Y-coordinate of the top left corner, rounded to the closest integer.
Return type:int

Get the y-coordinate of the bottom left corner as an integer.

Returns:Y-coordinate of the bottom left corner, rounded to the closest integer.
Return type:int
class imgaug.augmentables.bbs.BoundingBoxesOnImage(bounding_boxes, shape)[source]

Bases: object

Container for the list of all bounding boxes on a single image.

  • bounding_boxes (list of imgaug.augmentables.bbs.BoundingBox) – List of bounding boxes on the image.
  • shape (tuple of int) – The shape of the image on which the bounding boxes are placed.


>>> import numpy as np
>>> from imgaug.augmentables.bbs import BoundingBox, BoundingBoxesOnImage
>>> image = np.zeros((100, 100))
>>> bbs = [
>>>     BoundingBox(x1=10, y1=20, x2=20, y2=30),
>>>     BoundingBox(x1=25, y1=50, x2=30, y2=70)
>>> ]
>>> bbs_oi = BoundingBoxesOnImage(bbs, shape=image.shape)

Determine whether this instance contains zero bounding boxes.


Get the height of the image on which the bounding boxes fall.


Get the width of the image on which the bounding boxes fall.


clip_out_of_image(self) Clip off all parts from all BBs that are outside of the image.
copy(self) Create a shallow copy of the BoundingBoxesOnImage instance.
cut_out_of_image(self) Deprecated.
deepcopy(self) Create a deep copy of the BoundingBoxesOnImage object.
draw_on_image(self, image[, color, alpha, …]) Draw all bounding boxes onto a given image.
from_xyxy_array(xyxy, shape) Convert an (N,4) ndarray to a BoundingBoxesOnImage instance.
on(self, image) Project bounding boxes from one image (shape) to a another one.
remove_out_of_image(self[, fully, partly]) Remove all BBs that are fully/partially outside of the image.
shift(self[, top, right, bottom, left]) Move all all BBs along the x/y-axis.
to_xyxy_array(self[, dtype]) Convert the BoundingBoxesOnImage object to an (N,4) ndarray.

Clip off all parts from all BBs that are outside of the image.

Returns:Bounding boxes, clipped to fall within the image dimensions.
Return type:imgaug.augmentables.bbs.BoundingBoxesOnImage

Create a shallow copy of the BoundingBoxesOnImage instance.

Returns:Shallow copy.
Return type:imgaug.augmentables.bbs.BoundingBoxesOnImage

Deprecated. Use BoundingBoxesOnImage.clip_out_of_image() instead. clip_out_of_image() has the exactly same interface.


Create a deep copy of the BoundingBoxesOnImage object.

Returns:Deep copy.
Return type:imgaug.augmentables.bbs.BoundingBoxesOnImage
draw_on_image(self, image, color=(0, 255, 0), alpha=1.0, size=1, copy=True, raise_if_out_of_image=False, thickness=None)[source]

Draw all bounding boxes onto a given image.

  • image ((H,W,3) ndarray) – The image onto which to draw the bounding boxes. This image should usually have the same shape as set in BoundingBoxesOnImage.shape.
  • color (int or list of int or tuple of int or (3,) ndarray, optional) – The RGB color of all bounding boxes. If a single int C, then that is equivalent to (C,C,C).
  • alpha (float, optional) – Alpha/transparency of the bounding box.
  • size (int, optional) – Thickness in pixels.
  • copy (bool, optional) – Whether to copy the image before drawing the bounding boxes.
  • raise_if_out_of_image (bool, optional) – Whether to raise an exception if any bounding box is outside of the image.
  • thickness (None or int, optional) – Deprecated.

Image with drawn bounding boxes.

Return type:

(H,W,3) ndarray


Determine whether this instance contains zero bounding boxes.

Returns:True if this object contains zero bounding boxes.
Return type:bool
classmethod from_xyxy_array(xyxy, shape)[source]

Convert an (N,4) ndarray to a BoundingBoxesOnImage instance.

This is the inverse of imgaug.BoundingBoxesOnImage.to_xyxy_array().

  • xyxy ((N,4) ndarray) – Array containing the corner coordinates (top-left, bottom-right) of N bounding boxes in the form (x1, y1, x2, y2). Should usually be of dtype float32.
  • shape (tuple of int) – Shape of the image on which the bounding boxes are placed. Should usually be (H, W, C) or (H, W).

Object containing a list of BoundingBox instances derived from the provided corner coordinates.

Return type:



Get the height of the image on which the bounding boxes fall.

Returns:Image height.
Return type:int
on(self, image)[source]

Project bounding boxes from one image (shape) to a another one.

Parameters:image (ndarray or tuple of int) – New image onto which the bounding boxes are to be projected. May also simply be that new image’s shape tuple.
Returns:Object containing the same bounding boxes after projection to the new image shape.
Return type:imgaug.augmentables.bbs.BoundingBoxesOnImage
remove_out_of_image(self, fully=True, partly=False)[source]

Remove all BBs that are fully/partially outside of the image.

  • fully (bool, optional) – Whether to remove bounding boxes that are fully outside of the image.
  • partly (bool, optional) – Whether to remove bounding boxes that are partially outside of the image.

Reduced set of bounding boxes, with those that were fully/partially outside of the image being removed.

Return type:


shift(self, top=None, right=None, bottom=None, left=None)[source]

Move all all BBs along the x/y-axis.

  • top (None or int, optional) – Amount of pixels by which to shift all objects from the top (towards the bottom).
  • right (None or int, optional) – Amount of pixels by which to shift all objects from the right (towads the left).
  • bottom (None or int, optional) – Amount of pixels by which to shift all objects from the bottom (towards the top).
  • left (None or int, optional) – Amount of pixels by which to shift all objects from the left (towards the right).

Shifted bounding boxes.

Return type:


to_xyxy_array(self, dtype=<class 'numpy.float32'>)[source]

Convert the BoundingBoxesOnImage object to an (N,4) ndarray.

This is the inverse of imgaug.BoundingBoxesOnImage.from_xyxy_array().

Parameters:dtype (numpy.dtype, optional) – Desired output datatype of the ndarray.
Returns:(N,4) ndarray, where N denotes the number of bounding boxes and 4 denotes the top-left and bottom-right bounding box corner coordinates in form (x1, y1, x2, y2).
Return type:ndarray

Get the width of the image on which the bounding boxes fall.

Returns:Image width.
Return type:int