
class imgaug.augmentables.polys.MultiPolygon(geoms)[source]

Bases: object

Class that represents several polygons.

Parameters:geoms (list of imgaug.augmentables.polys.Polygon) – List of the polygons.


from_shapely(geometry[, label]) Create a MultiPolygon from a shapely object.
static from_shapely(geometry, label=None)[source]

Create a MultiPolygon from a shapely object.

This also creates all necessary Polygon s contained in this MultiPolygon.

  • geometry (shapely.geometry.MultiPolygon or shapely.geometry.Polygon or shapely.geometry.collection.GeometryCollection) – The object to convert to a MultiPolygon.
  • label (None or str, optional) – A label assigned to all Polygons within the MultiPolygon.

The derived MultiPolygon.

Return type:


class imgaug.augmentables.polys.Polygon(exterior, label=None)[source]

Bases: object

Class representing polygons.

Each polygon is parameterized by its corner points, given as absolute x- and y-coordinates with sub-pixel accuracy.

  • exterior (list of imgaug.augmentables.kps.Keypoint or list of tuple of float or (N,2) ndarray) – List of points defining the polygon. May be either a list of imgaug.augmentables.kps.Keypoint objects or a list of tuple s in xy-form or a numpy array of shape (N,2) for N points in xy-form. All coordinates are expected to be the absolute subpixel-coordinates on the image, given as float s, e.g. x=10.7 and y=3.4 for a point at coordinates (10.7, 3.4). Their order is expected to be clock-wise. They are expected to not be closed (i.e. first and last coordinate differ).
  • label (None or str, optional) – Label of the polygon, e.g. a string representing the class.

Compute the area of the polygon.


Compute the height of a bounding box encapsulating the polygon.


Estimate whether the polygon has a valid geometry.


Compute the width of a bounding box encapsulating the polygon.


Get the x-coordinates of all points on the exterior.


Get the discretized x-coordinates of all points on the exterior.


Get the y-coordinates of all points on the exterior.


Get the discretized y-coordinates of all points on the exterior.


almost_equals(self, other[, max_distance, …]) Estimate if this polygon’s and another’s geometry/labels are similar.
change_first_point_by_coords(self, x, y[, …]) Reorder exterior points so that the point closest to given x/y is first.
change_first_point_by_index(self, point_idx) Reorder exterior points so that the point with given index is first.
clip_out_of_image(self, image) Cut off all parts of the polygon that are outside of an image.
copy(self[, exterior, label]) Create a shallow copy of this object.
cut_out_of_image(self, image) Deprecated.
deepcopy(self[, exterior, label]) Create a deep copy of this object.
draw_on_image(self, image[, color, …]) Draw the polygon on an image.
exterior_almost_equals(self, other[, …]) Estimate if this and another polygon’s exterior are almost identical.
extract_from_image(self, image) Extract all image pixels within the polygon area.
find_closest_point_index(self, x, y[, …]) Find the index of the exterior point closest to given coordinates.
from_shapely(polygon_shapely[, label]) Create a polygon from a Shapely Polygon.
is_fully_within_image(self, image) Estimate whether the polygon is fully inside an image plane.
is_out_of_image(self, image[, fully, partly]) Estimate whether the polygon is partially/fully outside of an image.
is_partly_within_image(self, image) Estimate whether the polygon is at least partially inside an image.
project(self, from_shape, to_shape) Project the polygon onto an image with different shape.
shift(self[, top, right, bottom, left]) Move this polygon along the x/y-axis.
to_bounding_box(self) Convert this polygon to a bounding box containing the polygon.
to_keypoints(self) Convert this polygon’s exterior to Keypoint instances.
to_line_string(self[, closed]) Convert this polygon’s exterior to a LineString instance.
to_shapely_line_string(self[, closed, …]) Convert this polygon to a Shapely LineString object.
to_shapely_polygon(self) Convert this polygon to a Shapely Polygon.
almost_equals(self, other, max_distance=0.0001, points_per_edge=8)[source]

Estimate if this polygon’s and another’s geometry/labels are similar.

This is the same as imgaug.augmentables.polys.Polygon.exterior_almost_equals() but additionally compares the labels.


Whether the two polygons can be viewed as equal. In the case of the exteriors this is an approximate test.

Return type:



Compute the area of the polygon.

Returns:Area of the polygon.
Return type:number
change_first_point_by_coords(self, x, y, max_distance=0.0001, raise_if_too_far_away=True)[source]

Reorder exterior points so that the point closest to given x/y is first.

This method takes a given (x,y) coordinate, finds the closest corner point on the exterior and reorders all exterior corner points so that the found point becomes the first one in the array.

If no matching points are found, an exception is raised.

  • x (number) – X-coordinate of the point.
  • y (number) – Y-coordinate of the point.
  • max_distance (None or number, optional) – Maximum distance past which possible matches are ignored. If None the distance limit is deactivated.
  • raise_if_too_far_away (bool, optional) – Whether to raise an exception if the closest found point is too far away (True) or simply return an unchanged copy if this object (False).

Copy of this polygon with the new point order.

Return type:


change_first_point_by_index(self, point_idx)[source]

Reorder exterior points so that the point with given index is first.

This method takes a given index and reorders all exterior corner points so that the point with that index becomes the first one in the array.

An AssertionError will be raised if the index does not match any exterior point’s index or the exterior does not contain any points.

Parameters:point_idx (int) – Index of the desired starting point.
Returns:Copy of this polygon with the new point order.
Return type:imgaug.augmentables.polys.Polygon
clip_out_of_image(self, image)[source]

Cut off all parts of the polygon that are outside of an image.

This operation may lead to new points being created. As a single polygon may be split into multiple new polygons, the result is always a list, which may contain more than one output polygon.

This operation will return an empty list if the polygon is completely outside of the image plane.

Parameters:image ((H,W,…) ndarray or tuple of int) – Image dimensions to use for the clipping of the polygon. If an ndarray, its shape will be used. If a tuple, it is assumed to represent the image shape and must contain at least two int s.
Returns:Polygon, clipped to fall within the image dimensions. Returned as a list, because the clipping can split the polygon into multiple parts. The list may also be empty, if the polygon was fully outside of the image plane.
Return type:list of imgaug.augmentables.polys.Polygon
copy(self, exterior=None, label=None)[source]

Create a shallow copy of this object.

  • exterior (list of imgaug.augmentables.kps.Keypoint or list of tuple or (N,2) ndarray, optional) – List of points defining the polygon. See imgaug.augmentables.polys.Polygon.__init__() for details.
  • label (None or str, optional) – If not None, the label of the copied object will be set to this value.

Shallow copy.

Return type:


cut_out_of_image(self, image)[source]

Deprecated. Use Polygon.clip_out_of_image() instead. clip_out_of_image() has the exactly same interface.

deepcopy(self, exterior=None, label=None)[source]

Create a deep copy of this object.

  • exterior (list of Keypoint or list of tuple or (N,2) ndarray, optional) – List of points defining the polygon. See imgaug.augmentables.polys.Polygon.__init__ for details.
  • label (None or str) – If not None, the label of the copied object will be set to this value.

Deep copy.

Return type:


draw_on_image(self, image, color=(0, 255, 0), color_face=None, color_lines=None, color_points=None, alpha=1.0, alpha_face=None, alpha_lines=None, alpha_points=None, size=1, size_lines=None, size_points=None, raise_if_out_of_image=False)[source]

Draw the polygon on an image.

  • image ((H,W,C) ndarray) – The image onto which to draw the polygon. Usually expected to be of dtype uint8, though other dtypes are also handled.
  • color (iterable of int, optional) – The color to use for the whole polygon. Must correspond to the channel layout of the image. Usually RGB. The values for color_face, color_lines and color_points will be derived from this color if they are set to None. This argument has no effect if color_face, color_lines and color_points are all set anything other than None.
  • color_face (None or iterable of int, optional) – The color to use for the inner polygon area (excluding perimeter). Must correspond to the channel layout of the image. Usually RGB. If this is None, it will be derived from color * 1.0.
  • color_lines (None or iterable of int, optional) – The color to use for the line (aka perimeter/border) of the polygon. Must correspond to the channel layout of the image. Usually RGB. If this is None, it will be derived from color * 0.5.
  • color_points (None or iterable of int, optional) – The color to use for the corner points of the polygon. Must correspond to the channel layout of the image. Usually RGB. If this is None, it will be derived from color * 0.5.
  • alpha (float, optional) – The opacity of the whole polygon, where 1.0 denotes a completely visible polygon and 0.0 an invisible one. The values for alpha_face, alpha_lines and alpha_points will be derived from this alpha value if they are set to None. This argument has no effect if alpha_face, alpha_lines and alpha_points are all set anything other than None.
  • alpha_face (None or number, optional) – The opacity of the polygon’s inner area (excluding the perimeter), where 1.0 denotes a completely visible inner area and 0.0 an invisible one. If this is None, it will be derived from alpha * 0.5.
  • alpha_lines (None or number, optional) – The opacity of the polygon’s line (aka perimeter/border), where 1.0 denotes a completely visible line and 0.0 an invisible one. If this is None, it will be derived from alpha * 1.0.
  • alpha_points (None or number, optional) – The opacity of the polygon’s corner points, where 1.0 denotes completely visible corners and 0.0 invisible ones. If this is None, it will be derived from alpha * 1.0.
  • size (int, optional) – Size of the polygon. The sizes of the line and points are derived from this value, unless they are set.
  • size_lines (None or int, optional) – Thickness of the polygon’s line (aka perimeter/border). If None, this value is derived from size.
  • size_points (int, optional) – Size of the points in pixels. If None, this value is derived from 3 * size.
  • raise_if_out_of_image (bool, optional) – Whether to raise an error if the polygon is fully outside of the image. If set to False, no error will be raised and only the parts inside the image will be drawn.

Image with the polygon drawn on it. Result dtype is the same as the input dtype.

Return type:

(H,W,C) ndarray

exterior_almost_equals(self, other, max_distance=0.0001, points_per_edge=8)[source]

Estimate if this and another polygon’s exterior are almost identical.

The two exteriors can have different numbers of points, but any point randomly sampled on the exterior of one polygon should be close to the closest point on the exterior of the other polygon.


This method works in an approximative way. One can come up with polygons with fairly different shapes that will still be estimated as equal by this method. In practice however this should be unlikely to be the case. The probability for something like that goes down as the interpolation parameter is increased.

  • other (imgaug.augmentables.polys.Polygon or (N,2) ndarray or list of tuple) – The other polygon with which to compare the exterior. If this is an ndarray, it is assumed to represent an exterior. It must then have dtype float32 and shape (N,2) with the second dimension denoting xy-coordinates. If this is a list of tuple s, it is assumed to represent an exterior. Each tuple then must contain exactly two number s, denoting xy-coordinates.
  • max_distance (number, optional) – The maximum euclidean distance between a point on one polygon and the closest point on the other polygon. If the distance is exceeded for any such pair, the two exteriors are not viewed as equal. The points are other the points contained in the polygon’s exterior ndarray or interpolated points between these.
  • points_per_edge (int, optional) – How many points to interpolate on each edge.

Whether the two polygon’s exteriors can be viewed as equal (approximate test).

Return type:


extract_from_image(self, image)[source]

Extract all image pixels within the polygon area.

This method returns a rectangular image array. All pixels within that rectangle that do not belong to the polygon area will be filled with zeros (i.e. they will be black). The method will also zero-pad the image if the polygon is partially/fully outside of the image.

Parameters:image ((H,W) ndarray or (H,W,C) ndarray) – The image from which to extract the pixels within the polygon.
Returns:Pixels within the polygon. Zero-padded if the polygon is partially/fully outside of the image.
Return type:(H’,W’) ndarray or (H’,W’,C) ndarray
find_closest_point_index(self, x, y, return_distance=False)[source]

Find the index of the exterior point closest to given coordinates.

“Closeness” is here defined based on euclidean distance. This method will raise an AssertionError if the exterior contains no points.

  • x (number) – X-coordinate around which to search for close points.
  • y (number) – Y-coordinate around which to search for close points.
  • return_distance (bool, optional) – Whether to also return the distance of the closest point.

  • int – Index of the closest point.
  • number – Euclidean distance to the closest point. This value is only returned if return_distance was set to True.

static from_shapely(polygon_shapely, label=None)[source]

Create a polygon from a Shapely Polygon.


This will remove any holes in the shapely polygon.

  • polygon_shapely (shapely.geometry.Polygon) – The shapely polygon.
  • label (None or str, optional) – The label of the new polygon.

A polygon with the same exterior as the Shapely Polygon.

Return type:



Compute the height of a bounding box encapsulating the polygon.

The height is computed based on the two exterior coordinates with lowest and largest x-coordinates.

Returns:Height of the polygon.
Return type:number
is_fully_within_image(self, image)[source]

Estimate whether the polygon is fully inside an image plane.

Parameters:image ((H,W,…) ndarray or tuple of int) – Image dimensions to use. If an ndarray, its shape will be used. If a tuple, it is assumed to represent the image shape and must contain at least two int s.
Returns:True if the polygon is fully inside the image area. False otherwise.
Return type:bool
is_out_of_image(self, image, fully=True, partly=False)[source]

Estimate whether the polygon is partially/fully outside of an image.

  • image ((H,W,…) ndarray or tuple of int) – Image dimensions to use. If an ndarray, its shape will be used. If a tuple, it is assumed to represent the image shape and must contain at least two int s.
  • fully (bool, optional) – Whether to return True if the polygon is fully outside of the image area.
  • partly (bool, optional) – Whether to return True if the polygon is at least partially outside fo the image area.

True if the polygon is partially/fully outside of the image area, depending on defined parameters. False otherwise.

Return type:


is_partly_within_image(self, image)[source]

Estimate whether the polygon is at least partially inside an image.

Parameters:image ((H,W,…) ndarray or tuple of int) – Image dimensions to use. If an ndarray, its shape will be used. If a tuple, it is assumed to represent the image shape and must contain at least two int s.
Returns:True if the polygon is at least partially inside the image area. False otherwise.
Return type:bool

Estimate whether the polygon has a valid geometry.

To to be considered valid, the polygon must be made up of at least 3 points and have a concave shape, i.e. line segments may not intersect or overlap. Multiple consecutive points are allowed to have the same coordinates.

Returns:True if polygon has at least 3 points and is concave, otherwise False.
Return type:bool
project(self, from_shape, to_shape)[source]

Project the polygon onto an image with different shape.

The relative coordinates of all points remain the same. E.g. a point at (x=20, y=20) on an image (width=100, height=200) will be projected on a new image (width=200, height=100) to (x=40, y=10).

This is intended for cases where the original image is resized. It cannot be used for more complex changes (e.g. padding, cropping).

  • from_shape (tuple of int) – Shape of the original image. (Before resize.)
  • to_shape (tuple of int) – Shape of the new image. (After resize.)

Polygon object with new coordinates.

Return type:


shift(self, top=None, right=None, bottom=None, left=None)[source]

Move this polygon along the x/y-axis.

  • top (None or int, optional) – Amount of pixels by which to shift this object from the top (towards the bottom).
  • right (None or int, optional) – Amount of pixels by which to shift this object from the right (towards the left).
  • bottom (None or int, optional) – Amount of pixels by which to shift this object from the bottom (towards the top).
  • left (None or int, optional) – Amount of pixels by which to shift this object from the left (towards the right).

Shifted polygon.

Return type:



Convert this polygon to a bounding box containing the polygon.

Returns:Bounding box that tightly encapsulates the polygon.
Return type:imgaug.augmentables.bbs.BoundingBox

Convert this polygon’s exterior to Keypoint instances.

Returns:Exterior vertices as imgaug.augmentables.kps.Keypoint instances.
Return type:list of imgaug.augmentables.kps.Keypoint
to_line_string(self, closed=True)[source]

Convert this polygon’s exterior to a LineString instance.

Parameters:closed (bool, optional) – Whether to close the line string, i.e. to add the first point of the exterior also as the last point at the end of the line string. This has no effect if the polygon has a single point or zero points.
Returns:Exterior of the polygon as a line string.
Return type:imgaug.augmentables.lines.LineString
to_shapely_line_string(self, closed=False, interpolate=0)[source]

Convert this polygon to a Shapely LineString object.

  • closed (bool, optional) – Whether to return the line string with the last point being identical to the first point.
  • interpolate (int, optional) – Number of points to interpolate between any pair of two consecutive points. These points are added to the final line string.

The Shapely LineString matching the polygon’s exterior.

Return type:



Convert this polygon to a Shapely Polygon.

Returns:The Shapely Polygon matching this polygon’s exterior.
Return type:shapely.geometry.Polygon

Compute the width of a bounding box encapsulating the polygon.

The width is computed based on the two exterior coordinates with lowest and largest x-coordinates.

Returns:Width of the polygon.
Return type:number

Get the x-coordinates of all points on the exterior.

Returns:float32 x-coordinates array of all points on the exterior.
Return type:(N,2) ndarray

Get the discretized x-coordinates of all points on the exterior.

The conversion from float32 coordinates to int32 is done by first rounding the coordinates to the closest integer and then removing everything after the decimal point.

Returns:int32 x-coordinates of all points on the exterior.
Return type:(N,2) ndarray

Get the y-coordinates of all points on the exterior.

Returns:float32 y-coordinates array of all points on the exterior.
Return type:(N,2) ndarray

Get the discretized y-coordinates of all points on the exterior.

The conversion from float32 coordinates to int32 is done by first rounding the coordinates to the closest integer and then removing everything after the decimal point.

Returns:int32 y-coordinates of all points on the exterior.
Return type:(N,2) ndarray
class imgaug.augmentables.polys.PolygonsOnImage(polygons, shape)[source]

Bases: object

Container for all polygons on a single image.

  • polygons (list of imgaug.augmentables.polys.Polygon) – List of polygons on the image.
  • shape (tuple of int) – The shape of the image on which the objects are placed. Either an image with shape (H,W,[C]) or a tuple denoting such an image shape.


>>> import numpy as np
>>> from imgaug.augmentables.polys import Polygon, PolygonsOnImage
>>> image = np.zeros((100, 100))
>>> polys = [
>>>     Polygon([(0.5, 0.5), (100.5, 0.5), (100.5, 100.5), (0.5, 100.5)]),
>>>     Polygon([(50.5, 0.5), (100.5, 50.5), (50.5, 100.5), (0.5, 50.5)])
>>> ]
>>> polys_oi = PolygonsOnImage(polys, shape=image.shape)

Estimate whether this object contains zero polygons.


clip_out_of_image(self) Clip off all parts from all polygons that are outside of an image.
copy(self) Create a shallow copy of this object.
deepcopy(self) Create a deep copy of this object.
draw_on_image(self, image[, color, …]) Draw all polygons onto a given image.
on(self, image) Project all polygons from one image shape to a new one.
remove_out_of_image(self[, fully, partly]) Remove all polygons that are fully/partially outside of an image.
shift(self[, top, right, bottom, left]) Move the polygons along the x/y-axis.

Clip off all parts from all polygons that are outside of an image.


The result can contain fewer polygons than the input did. That happens when a polygon is fully outside of the image plane.


The result can also contain more polygons than the input did. That happens when distinct parts of a polygon are only connected by areas that are outside of the image plane and hence will be clipped off, resulting in two or more unconnected polygon parts that are left in the image plane.

Returns:Polygons, clipped to fall within the image dimensions. The count of output polygons may differ from the input count.
Return type:imgaug.augmentables.polys.PolygonsOnImage

Create a shallow copy of this object.

Returns:Shallow copy.
Return type:imgaug.augmentables.polys.PolygonsOnImage

Create a deep copy of this object.

Returns:Deep copy.
Return type:imgaug.augmentables.polys.PolygonsOnImage
draw_on_image(self, image, color=(0, 255, 0), color_face=None, color_lines=None, color_points=None, alpha=1.0, alpha_face=None, alpha_lines=None, alpha_points=None, size=1, size_lines=None, size_points=None, raise_if_out_of_image=False)[source]

Draw all polygons onto a given image.

  • image ((H,W,C) ndarray) – The image onto which to draw the bounding boxes. This image should usually have the same shape as set in PolygonsOnImage.shape.
  • color (iterable of int, optional) – The color to use for the whole polygons. Must correspond to the channel layout of the image. Usually RGB. The values for color_face, color_lines and color_points will be derived from this color if they are set to None. This argument has no effect if color_face, color_lines and color_points are all set anything other than None.
  • color_face (None or iterable of int, optional) – The color to use for the inner polygon areas (excluding perimeters). Must correspond to the channel layout of the image. Usually RGB. If this is None, it will be derived from color * 1.0.
  • color_lines (None or iterable of int, optional) – The color to use for the lines (aka perimeters/borders) of the polygons. Must correspond to the channel layout of the image. Usually RGB. If this is None, it will be derived from color * 0.5.
  • color_points (None or iterable of int, optional) – The color to use for the corner points of the polygons. Must correspond to the channel layout of the image. Usually RGB. If this is None, it will be derived from color * 0.5.
  • alpha (float, optional) – The opacity of the whole polygons, where 1.0 denotes completely visible polygons and 0.0 invisible ones. The values for alpha_face, alpha_lines and alpha_points will be derived from this alpha value if they are set to None. This argument has no effect if alpha_face, alpha_lines and alpha_points are all set anything other than None.
  • alpha_face (None or number, optional) – The opacity of the polygon’s inner areas (excluding the perimeters), where 1.0 denotes completely visible inner areas and 0.0 invisible ones. If this is None, it will be derived from alpha * 0.5.
  • alpha_lines (None or number, optional) – The opacity of the polygon’s lines (aka perimeters/borders), where 1.0 denotes completely visible perimeters and 0.0 invisible ones. If this is None, it will be derived from alpha * 1.0.
  • alpha_points (None or number, optional) – The opacity of the polygon’s corner points, where 1.0 denotes completely visible corners and 0.0 invisible ones. Currently this is an on/off choice, i.e. only 0.0 or 1.0 are allowed. If this is None, it will be derived from alpha * 1.0.
  • size (int, optional) – Size of the polygons. The sizes of the line and points are derived from this value, unless they are set.
  • size_lines (None or int, optional) – Thickness of the polygon lines (aka perimeter/border). If None, this value is derived from size.
  • size_points (int, optional) – The size of all corner points. If set to C, each corner point will be drawn as a square of size C x C.
  • raise_if_out_of_image (bool, optional) – Whether to raise an error if any polygon is fully outside of the image. If set to False, no error will be raised and only the parts inside the image will be drawn.

Image with drawn polygons.

Return type:

(H,W,C) ndarray


Estimate whether this object contains zero polygons.

Returns:True if this object contains zero polygons.
Return type:bool
on(self, image)[source]

Project all polygons from one image shape to a new one.

Parameters:image (ndarray or tuple of int) – New image onto which the polygons are to be projected. May also simply be that new image’s shape tuple.
Returns:Object containing all projected polygons.
Return type:imgaug.augmentables.polys.PolygonsOnImage
remove_out_of_image(self, fully=True, partly=False)[source]

Remove all polygons that are fully/partially outside of an image.

  • fully (bool, optional) – Whether to remove polygons that are fully outside of the image.
  • partly (bool, optional) – Whether to remove polygons that are partially outside of the image.

Reduced set of polygons. Those that are fully/partially outside of the given image plane are removed.

Return type:


shift(self, top=None, right=None, bottom=None, left=None)[source]

Move the polygons along the x/y-axis.

  • top (None or int, optional) – Amount of pixels by which to shift all objects from the top (towards the bottom).
  • right (None or int, optional) – Amount of pixels by which to shift all objects from the right (towads the left).
  • bottom (None or int, optional) – Amount of pixels by which to shift all objects from the bottom (towards the top).
  • left (None or int, optional) – Amount of pixels by which to shift all objects from the left (towards the right).

Shifted polygons.

Return type:
